(1) Hemorrhoid: rectal cancer are often mistaken for hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids and more generally for painless bleeding, fresh color is not mixed with feces, and the blood in the stool of patients with colorectal cancer accompanied mucus and rectum stimulate symptoms, sigmoid colon and rectal examination Identification of examination can be funded.
(2) amebic colitis: When evolve into chronic diseases, ulcer granulation tissue at the base and the surrounding fibrous proliferation hyperplasia, bowel wall thickening, mesocaval narrow, easily misdiagnosed as cancer, biopsy should be made at this time.
(3) intestinal tuberculosis: age at onset of lighter, more than any other organ previous history of tuberculosis, good in the ileocecal. But proliferation of intestinal tuberculosis, as a large number of tuberculous granuloma and fibrous tissue hyperplasia, the bowel wall thickening and hardening, easy to confuse and blind colorectal cancer, a biopsy must be clear diagnosis, x barium meal examination, the lesion can be found at Jire phenomena or jumping phenomenon, in the diagnosis of help.
(4) Limitations enteritis: Well, in youth, a common abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, suffering from weight loss, anemia, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal mass and fistula formation signs and symptoms, the x barium meal and fiber colon mirror can be identified.
(5) chronic dysentery: The patient may be in abdominal pain, diarrhea, it Nongxue rare, mild Lijihouchong by stool culture, barium enema and endoscopy, it is not difficult to make the diagnosis.
(6) ulcerative colitis: chronic dysentery symptoms did were quite similar, but there are recurrent history of negative stool culture, sigmoid colon examination that was fine granular mucosal changes, vascular texture disappeared, as well as with congestive red oval-shaped small ulcers, its surface covered with yellow-white regular exudation, serious irregularities have a big ulcer.
(7) Other: If Hualiu of Lymphogranuloma rectal endometriosis, colonic diverticulitis go far to help symptoms, signs, x-fiber colonoscopy screening and identification form.
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