Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Simple periodontitis

Simple outlined Periodontitis is mainly caused by local factors in the periodontal tissue of chronic inflammation. Age of onset after the age of 35 to less than 20%, it also known as adult periodontitis. Standing by gingivitis from further development, such as gingivitis timely treatment, gingival inflammation may be to spread to deep periodontal ligament, alveolar bone and cementum for periodontitis. As early have no obvious symptoms but easily neglected, to be symptomatic treatment often have more serious, reservations not even have teeth. This is why we must strengthen the church so that patients, early treatment and timely treatment. Cause pathogenesis of periodontitis and gingivitis cause of the same, including plaque, calculus, food impaction and bad restorations, and other factors. In addition, if accompanied by a marked occlusal trauma may increase the periodontal tissue damage, then known as compound periodontitis. Clinical manifestations little early symptoms, the patients often only stimulate endogenous gingival bleeding or halitosis performance, and gingivitis similar symptoms. Check Visibility margin, and gingival nipple attachment of gingival swelling, soft quality, was scarlet red or dark, probing easy bleeding. With the further proliferation of inflammation, in any of the following symptoms : periodontal pocket formed : As the expansion of inflammation, destruction of the periodontal ligament, alveolar gradually absorbed, gingival and root separation, gingival sulcus formed deepened periodontal pocket. Measuring probe can be used periodontal pocket depth. X-ray examination can be found in varying degrees of alveolar bone absorption. Figure 3 -7 ~ 11. Overflow periodontal abscess : periodontal pocket wall ulcers and inflammatory granulation tissue formation, bags purulent secretions are retained, the gingival touch, we can see septic overflow. And often halitosis : Loose teeth : Since periodontal tissue destruction, in particular increased alveolar bone absorption, powerful enough to support the teeth, loose teeth there, displacement and so on. At this time occlusion patients often feel weakness, pain, bleeding and gingival halitosis increase. When the lower body resistance, the periodontal pocket fluid drainage sluggish, inflation can be formed periodontal swollen. At this point gingival is oval in shape and protruding swelling redness, loose teeth, a knock pain. Local flu patients with severe rectal, sometimes simultaneously in several parts of the abscess, said multiple periodontal abscess. At this time patients have elevated temperature, general malaise, submandibular lymphadenopathy, tenderness and other symptoms.

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