Cervical syndrome is a common disease, Because cervical internal and external causes changes in the cervical spine and the surrounding nerves, blood vessels in pathological changes arising from a series of symptoms. The medical profession at home and abroad on the growing importance of cervical disease. After the medical practice for a few dry years, and done a lot of medical writings, which also included with the clinical manifestations of cervical disease and treatment of the theoretical experience. But due to historical reasons and different theoretical system, no cervical spondylosis Chinese medicine monographs. But after a lot of the ancient practice of meticulous observation, and detailed record of the disease we have today described the various types of cervical lesions similar to the symptoms and treatment methods. Cervical spondylosis neck, shoulder,more included in the medical Bi Syndrome, the symptoms of traumatic or more for imaginary bad qi and blood, feel the wind cold dampness caused by evil, and dizziness, stunning, and tinnitus is more disabled muddy, liver wind, wasting related. A common cause of cervical disease can be summarized as:
(1) Trauma: means or ground, such as flash down the tendons, bones, flesh damage. Neck and shoulder pain caused by injury, is due to flash, the setback caused by, fascia, muscle and other soft tissue injuries (including acute and chronic injury), as well as joint dislocation caused by symptoms, the so-called wrong bone joints, tendons out groove symptoms. The human body is an entity, such as neck and shoulder sites affected by external forces suffered injury, it can lead to Viscera, Meridian, qi and blood disorders, thus producing a series of symptoms. Clinical Visibility shoulder, back and limb pain, now dominated by pain. On the other hand, the body's organs are dependent on qi and blood nourishment, such as block qi and blood, viscera lack of qi and blood, its functions are affected, liver, kidney, spleen and other internal organs function will be affected after the turn impact of tendonitis, muscle and joint function. At this time the disease is not only the symptoms of post-traumatic pain, but also the emergence of various Deficiency Syndrome. So after injury should be noted that visceral functions. Especially spleen liver and kidney damage factors.
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