Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Girls will get vaginitis

Many people think vaginitis married women will get the disease, not knowing that many unmarried women will get vaginitis, which in the end is how it happened?
Vagina, prescribe a natural barrier: the size of the outer labia semi-enclosed "gateway", there are vaginal secretions acidic environment, can prevent bacteria invasion. Two natural barriers can make vagina clean. However, the anatomical location of the vagina in which the vaginal self-cleaning and is very unfavorable: which pass inside the cervix, even outside the perineum, but also with the adjacent urethra and anus. So if the girls do not understand or ignore the vagina clean and surrounding organs, it is likely to cause vaginitis following:
1, young girls vaginitis
More common in little girls wear pants, causes a girl sitting on the floor while playing or crawling on the ground to play, directly or finger stabbed the vagina, or even placed foreign body, resulting in the vulva, vagina contaminated, induced vaginitis.
The main symptoms of genital swelling, vaginal discharge water samples, vaginal burning or odd pain unbearable. Treatment of vaginitis young girls, just use (including talcum, licorice) drugs and flush cleaning the vagina and vulva, can receive satisfactory results. As a precaution, do not give the girls wear pants, and easy to wear loose pants crotch closed off, while educating girls about health, do not touch the hand or foreign body vagina, every night to the girls cleaning the perineum.
2, girls menarche vaginitis
Adolescent girls first period, called "menarche", for the shy girl and hazy understanding of menstruation, they often do not understand or pay attention to menstrual hygiene, abuse unclean toilet paper, resulting in the vulva by the dirty toilet paper and napkins menstrual tampon pollution, took the opportunity to breed bacteria and invade, causing vaginitis menarche.
Features such symptoms of vaginitis are: perineal fall and burning sensation, vaginal secretions, or purulent-like secretion. Because vaginal secretions to leak, stimulate the urethra, frequent urination, dysuria symptoms. Patients can wash before going to sleep in the vagina and vulva, after drying with a clean finger, gently Jieeryin suppository into the vagina, its anti-inflammatory effect is very good, and will not damage the hymen.
3, tight crotch trousers vaginitis

As the name suggests, this is due to vaginitis women often wear tight crotch wrapped hip briefs and high-elastic fitness pants tight caused. In recent years, some of the beauty of the girls often like to wear revealing shape curve tights. Such tight pants crotch. Package hip. Fabrics and chemical fiber fabric air tight, female secretions and sweat is not easy distribution, suitable for breeding bacteria twins, causing vaginitis.
The main symptoms are: excessive vaginal discharge, vaginal itching and the size of the labia, accompanied by frequent urination. Urgency. Diabetes and other original tract irritation. Such treatment of vaginitis, first of all do not wear synthetic fabrics tight crotch pants, to wear cotton underwear and loose pants crotch. Cleaning the vulva every night, taking antibiotics.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Brain tumor

Brain tumor or brain tumor, its cause is still unknown, tumors from the brain, the meninges, pituitary gland, cranial nerves, blood vessels and brain remnants of embryonic organizer, called primary brain tumors. Transferred from the body of malignant tumors to other organs and tissues of the brain, known as secondary brain tumors.
According to residents of six cities in the survey, the prevalence of intracranial tumors was 32/10 million and a worldwide statistics for the 40/10 million. Description of intracranial tumor incidence is not low, it is worth attention. On the body in terms of the incidence of cancer, a brain tumor was in fifth place (6.31%), just below the stomach, uterus, breast, esophagus tumors. In adults, brain tumors account for 2% of the total number of systemic cancer, childhood brain tumors in various parts of the body relatively high percentage, accounting for 7% of systemic cancer.
Brain tumors can occur at any age, more common in adults. Infants and the elderly are less than 60 years of onset. General incidence and no major differences in gender, but gender-related individual tumors. Parts of the tumor occurred, supratentorial than infratentorial than two incidence rate is about 3: 1. Brain tumor located on the screen of frontal and temporal lobe were mostly under the screen were more common in the cerebellar hemispheres and vermis, fourth ventricle, cerebellopontine angle.

1, mainly for the symptomatic treatment of increased intracranial pressure, intracranial pressure lowering drugs such as the application of dehydration; for seizures OF antiepileptic drugs. Because the tumor is located in the vitals, surgery can not be done, while drug treatment ineffective, feasible cerebrospinal fluid shunt, temporalis muscle under decompression, decompression or decompression craniectomy and other palliative surgical muscle under the pillow.
2, the cause of treatment: ① mainly surgical removal of the tumor, surgery is the principle: Where benign tumor resection should strive to achieve the effect of cure; where malignant or benign tumors located in important functional areas, should be based on the patient's condition and technical conditions be subtotal or partial resection to achieve the purpose of decompression. ② Where failure or cancer resection and radiosensitive tumor, postoperative radiotherapy should be carried out. ③ malignant tumors, especially gliomas and metastases, in addition to postoperative radiotherapy, they can still be administered by different ways and means of chemotherapy, called chemotherapy. To improve the effect of malignant brain tumors after surgery and prolong survival of patients, the application of radiotherapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, collectively known as the comprehensive treatment of brain tumors.
3, Chinese medicine treatment can be used as one of the measures of comprehensive treatment for some not suitable for surgery and radiotherapy patients relapse after chemotherapy or surgery.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

infantile diarrhea

Diarrhea in infants (infantile diarrhea) are the most common of the infant's digestive tract syndrome. 1982 National Pediatric diarrhea collaborative group discussed and approved the classification, the children with diarrhea divided into infectious and non-infectious. Infectious diarrhea in addition to the existing fixed names such as bacillary dysentery, cut off the left ear of the slain Miba dysentery, cholera, Salmonella typhimurium infection endures, other bacteria such as E. coli, Campylobacter jejuni, viruses such as rotavirus, astrovirus, Coxsackie virus , as well as infections caused by fungi, and some unexplained infections are diagnosed in children enteritis.
1, the general symptoms of mild diarrhea symptoms varies.

(1) Light diarrhea: with an increase in the number ambassador several times a day to 10 families times. Ambassador rare, sometimes a small amount of water, yellow or yellow-green, mixed with a small amount of mucus. Each time the amount of small, common small white or yellow, the Department of calcium, magnesium and a fatty acid compound of the soap bar. Occasional small amount of vomiting or galactorrhea, loss of appetite, body temperature normal or occasional fever. Looking a little pale, the spirit is still good, the whole body has no other symptoms. Weight gain or decreased slightly. Fluid loss at 50ml / kg or less, significant clinical symptoms of dehydration from time to time. Good prognosis, course of about 3 to 7 days. In children with rickets or malnutrition, diarrhea, although light, but often three to seven times a day, the color yellow, often with mucus, fetid. Stool check shows a small amount of white blood cells. Ambassador traits and frequency instability. Protracted course, the deterioration of the nutritional situation, often secondary to urinary tract infection in the middle ear or other parts.

(2) Severe diarrhea: made worse by light. Daily stool ten times to 40 times. Switch heavy at the beginning, then the increased moisture, occasional mucus, yellow or yellow-green, a stench, acidic reaction. Changing diapers is not timely, often hip skin corrosion, skin exfoliation and redness. With exacerbations and reduce food intake, fecal odor mitigation, fecal disappearance watery or egg drop soup, lighter color, the main ingredient is a small amount of intestinal fluid and mucus, alkaline reaction. Increased stool volume every 10 ~ 30ml, more are up to 50ml. Microscopically, fat droplets, swimming bacteria, mucus, severe and occasionally red blood cells, white blood cells per field of view up to elevations of about 10. Children with poor appetite, often accompanied by vomiting. More irregular fever, severe fever. Reduce weight quickly, significant weight loss. If not timely rehydration, dehydration, acidosis gradually increased. Few sharply from severe, high fever up to 39 ~ 40 ℃, frequent vomiting, watery diarrhea, rapid onset of symptoms of water and electrolyte imbalance. Over the past decade, since early treatment can seriously heavy diarrhea has been significantly reduced.

2, water and electrolyte imbalance symptoms of dehydration, acidosis mainly, sometimes low potassium, low calcium symptoms.

(1) dehydration: children quickly weight loss, weight loss, listlessness, pale skin and even gray hair, poor flexibility, anterior fontanelle and orbital subsidence, dry mucous membranes, sunken abdomen, rapid pulse, blood pressure, and decreased urine output. Dehydration is divided into mild, moderate and severe degrees: ① mild dehydration: fluid loss accounted for 5% of body weight or less. Children somewhat less spiritual, looking slightly pale skin a little dry but still good elasticity, orbital somewhat less, looking slightly pale skin a little dry but still good elasticity, the eye socket a little depression, urine slightly less than usual; ② moderate dehydration: fluid loss about accounting for 5 to 10% of body weight. Children malaise, bursts of irritability, pale skin, gray hair, dry, relaxation, poor flexibility, not immediately flattened picked. Zhou Faqing mouth, before the skull and eye socket significant subsidence, lips and dry mucous membranes, heart sound blunt, concave abdomen, cold extremities, decreased urine; ③ severe dehydration: fluid loss accounted for 10 to 15% of body weight. Children apathetic, indifferent, unresponsive to the surrounding environment, pale gray skin, poor flexibility, not easy to heal after picked. Anterior fontanelle and sunken eyes, eyes are not closed, conjunctival dryness, cry no tears, corneal light, lips cyanosis, dry mucous membranes, confusion, heart rate, blood pressure difficult to measure. Belly deep. Cold limbs. Urine little or no urine.

Estimate the degree of dehydration, we should pay attention to the orbital anterior fontanelle degree of depression. Hypotonic dehydration prone to reduced skin elasticity, and elasticity usually malnourished children usually poor, should be noted.

Different types of clinical symptoms of dehydration are also differences. Hypotonic dehydration due to loss of extracellular fluid and more children with dehydration symptoms early and heavy, but thirst lighter, heavier and sluggish; hypertonic dehydration, relocation of intracellular fluid, extracellular fluid loss relative less. Children with obvious thirst, fever, irritability, muscle tension, occasional convulsions. Orbital anterior fontanelle sunken lighter than the hand, foot temperature, pulse and can.

(2) acidosis: mainly apathetic, deep breathing, it was like interest. In severe cases, breathing faster, and even coma. When newborn infants or small or no later deep breathing, mainly for lethargy, pallor, poor feeding, weakness, etc., it is estimated acidosis, pay attention to the age of the children.

(3) hypokalemia: hypokalemia more apparent than in the watery 1 week old malnourished appeared earlier, heavier. Children generally have fewer symptoms of hypokalemia not before infusion, after entering the liquid potassium, correction of acidosis with dehydration, hypokalemia gradual emergence of symptoms: listlessness, low muscle tone, the first heart sound blunt. Abdominal distension, bowel sounds decreased or disappeared, tendon reflexes and then re-appeared. Failure to timely potassium, low potassium can occur in severe muscle paralysis and even respiratory muscle paralysis, intestinal paralysis, bladder paralysis, tendon reflexes, heart rate, arrhythmia, appeared apical systolic murmur, enlarged heart, can be life threatening . Say nothing more than blood potassium low potassium symptoms appear in 3.5mmol / L or less.

(4) hypocalcemia: original malnutrition, rickets in children falling or diarrhea, irritability often appear after round solution, tetany or convulsions and other symptoms of hypocalcemia. And Phil Foster's examination showed positive reflection.

(5) hypomagnesemia: small number of children to correct dehydration, acidosis, low magnesium of tetany after calcium supplement. The performance of hand-foot tremors, convulsions, crying, susceptible to irritation, can not sleep. Flush individual children appear in the forehead or the skin folds.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Caused by a variety of thyroid hormones in the blood increased, and the role of body tissues and organs caused by endocrine disease. Referred to as hyperthyroidism. You may have palpitation, heat intolerance, sweating, increased appetite, weight loss, thick neck, bulging eyes and a series of clinical manifestations. If handled properly, it can be cured.

One view is that the prognosis of the disease natural cure is not possible, another view, not special treatment for patients with hyperthyroidism, also has a high response rate. It seems the two are not comprehensive place. After Benbingfasheng, many patients may have a long or short natural remission or stable disease. If timely treatment, most can be cured. Irreversible treatment complications were very few.

Prevention to avoid the spirit of incentives, patterns of life, work and rest, to prevent the onset of good. For hyperthyroidism caused by external use, as long as avoid undue thyroid preparations or abuse drugs or iodine, fully able to prevent the occurrence of iatrogenic hyperthyroidism. Prevent the occurrence of hyperthyroidism difficulty is great. But as long as eating festival, living there often do not make any rash labor, tranquil nothingness (selfless desires, feeling happy and cheerful), comply with the laws of nature, coupled with appropriate physical exercise, not only can enhance immune function, and the prevention of the occurrence of hyperthyroidism also have some positive meaning.

Initiative with the patient is required to obtain reasonable arrangements nutritious, high-calorie, high-protein, high vitamin diet, as well as mental and physical rest. Treatment options often used in the following three.

This method is susceptible to long-term drug treatment patients receive, because the treatment does not appear to cause irreversible damage, but treatment for a long time, is characterized by a high relapse rate. Thiourea drugs are the main drugs used. Its role is to inhibit thyroid hormone synthesis in the thyroid gland. Chinese doctors are accustomed to order drugs of choice: propylthiouracil, methimazole, hyperthyroidism flat and methyl thiouracil. Treatment should be sufficient, gradually reduce disease control after the drug, taking the total time required more than 1 to 2 years. Medication should be avoided during pregnancy, after treatment prohibit eating too much iodine and more food and drugs when the disease has not been controlled. Drug therapy can have adverse effects, such as rash, fever, joint pain, liver damage, severe can cause leukopenia or even disappear. Different types of medication, the number of adverse reactions are different, causing a lack of white blood cells is less than 1% of these adverse reactions to methyl thiouracil most propylthiouracil least. Therefore, in the course of treatment, should always check the white blood cells, decreased significantly once, it should be actively processed.

Most thyroid surgery antithyroid drug therapy after surgery, 90% of patients were cured, preoperative except thiourea drugs for three months to reduce the synthesis of thyroid hormone, but also with iodine to make thyroid congestion reduction, tissue hardening, in order to reduce blood loss. With the improvement of anesthetic techniques and improved medical standards, postoperative complications caused by significantly reduced.

Radioactive iodine therapy 131 131 large concentration of iodine in the thyroid gland, releasing β and γ rays destroy thyroid tissue. This method is convenient, safe, but after treatment, the symptoms disappear slowly, but some patients after treatment may occur permanent hypothyroidism.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Myocardial infarction to be careful of 5 cautions

Myocardial infarction is a heart attack, you know what it's a precursor to heart attack? What are the symptoms indicating myocardial infarction find on How about you?

Symptoms of myocardial infarction

(A) pain

The performance of the most prominent symptoms of this disorder. Attack have no apparent cause, and often attack in a quiet, angina pain location and nature of the same, but the pain is more severe, long duration, there are up to several hours or even days, ineffective nitroglycerin. Patients often irritability, sweating, fear, or a sense of impending doom. Small number of patients no pain, namely the onset of symptoms of shock or acute pulmonary edema.

Myocardial infarction pain symptoms

(B) shock

20% of patients may be associated with shock, more than a few hours to 1 week after the onset occurred. Patient pale, irritability, clammy skin, weak pulse, blood pressure 10.7KDa (80mmHg), and even fainting. If the patient only reduce blood pressure and no other symptoms are known as hypotension. The main shock factors are: due to myocardial suffered serious damage, left ventricular ejection amount drastically reduced (cardiogenic shock); secondly, leading to severe chest pain reflex peripheral vasodilation; In addition, vomiting, sweating, inadequate intake due to hypovolemia factors.

(C) Arrhythmia

Approximately 75-95% of patients with cardiac arrhythmias, more common in the onset of 1-2 weeks, and to 24 hours for the most common arrhythmia to ventricular arrhythmias most, such as premature ventricular contractions, may be part of a patient ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation and sudden death. Atrioventricular block, bundle branch block is not uncommon, supraventricular arrhythmias occur less. Anterior myocardial infarction prone bundle branch block, inferior wall myocardial infarction prone atrioventricular block, supraventricular arrhythmias common in atrial infarction.

(Iv) failure

After the infarct was significantly reduced cardiac contractility and uncoordinated, so in the first few days of the onset of acute left ventricular failure-prone, difficulty in breathing, coughing, irritability, and other symptoms can not be supine. In severe cases, acute pulmonary edema, cyanosis and may have a large number of slightly pink foamy sputum, the latter may have a right heart failure, right ventricular myocardial infarction can occur at the start of right heart failure.

Myocardial infarction, heart failure symptoms

(V) systemic symptoms

Fever, tachycardia, leukocytosis and erythrocyte sedimentation faster and so on. This is mainly due to tissue necrosis caused by absorption, generally appear 1-2 days after infarction, body temperature is generally around 38 ℃, rarely exceeds 39 ℃, it lasted about a week or so.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Analysis of irregular menstruation

First, mood disorders cause menstrual disorders

Long-term mental stress or emotional stress can cause menstrual disorders or dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea. Because the period is after ovarian secretion of hormones to stimulate the formation of the endometrium, ovary and pituitary hormone secretion and controlled by the hypothalamic releasing hormones, so it is unusual, it will affect the ovaries, pituitary gland or hypothalamus function occurs to menstruation.

Second, the cold stimulation menstrual abnormalities

Pay special attention to women during menstruation, but many women during menstruation by cold stimulation, pelvic vascular causes excessive contraction can cause after a few months or amenorrhea.

Third, excessive weight loss leading to menstrual disorders

Fat is an important component inside the body, if the body is too little body fat, the body will cause a lot of fat and protein are consumed, resulting in estrogen synthesis and the apparent lack of barriers affecting menstrual cramps, and even rare or amenorrhea.

Fourth, bad habits cause menstrual disorders

Many women pursue tobacco and alcohol, but some of the ingredients in the smoke and alcohol can interfere with menstrual-related physiological processes, causing irregular menstruation.

Causes of menorrhagia include:

(1) gynecological endocrine dysfunction: Because puberty hypoplasia hypothalamus, the hypothalamus - pituitary - not yet established a stable law between ovarian axis adjustment and periodic feedback reaction, although the cause ovarian follicle development, but not ovulation, no corpus luteum formed when the amount of estrogen is not sufficient to sustain the growth of the endometrium, or when a sudden drop in endometrial large loss caused by too much blood. Because ovarian no ovulation, it leads to infertility.

(2) Uterine fibroids: fibroids mouth blocked fallopian tube sperm can not meet and can not conceive.

(3) blood diseases such as leukemia, thrombocytopenic purpura, etc., can also cause menorrhagia affect pregnancy. After a few months after a few months refers to the normal menstrual cycle, but the number of days each passing shorter than 2-3 days, menstruation, blood was dark purple or pink.

After a few months caused by the reasons are:

(1) of the hypothalamus, pituitary dysfunction

(2) certain gynecological diseases, is a common cause after a few months of

(3) surgical curettage: Due to mechanical injury is too heavy, can not lead to endometrial repair and regeneration can occur after a few months or amenorrhea.

(4) the nature of ovarian congenital dysplasia or excessive suppression function, eventually leading to ovulation dysfunction and lack of endometrial hyperplasia caused after a few months. For these reasons the patient can not conceive or because the fertilized egg can not implantation of endometrial lesions and normal growth and development, leading to the occurrence of infertility. Month after month after dilute dilute refers to the menstrual cycle in more than 40-50 days or longer time. After months dilute often due to hypothalamic - pituitary - ovarian axis dysfunction, follicles ovulation period is extended or abnormal. Month after rare in patients with no ovulation or corpus luteum insufficiency proportion higher than those of normal menstrual cycle, the more prolonged menstrual cycle, the more irregular, the higher the proportion of the above, sometimes a harbinger of amenorrhea.

After months dilute common reasons are threefold:

(1) of the hypothalamus - pituitary - ovarian axis dysfunction.

(2) polycystic ovary.

(3) months after the merger dilute milk, thyroid, adrenal insufficiency, etc., these reasons can lead to infertility or difficulty conceiving.