Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Inhalation injury

Inhalation injury refers to the inhalation of toxic fumes or chemicals on the respiratory tract caused by chemical damage, severe cases can directly damage lung parenchyma. Which occurred in a large area, especially in patients with head and face burns.
First, prevention:
1. Prevention of infection: After inhalation injury, since the airway and lung damage, destruction of ciliary function, airway secretions and foreign bodies can not be discharged, local and systemic resistance to decline, often caused by airway and lung infections. Once infected, if not treated early, can be complicated by acute respiratory failure, and has become an important focus of systemic infection, induced sepsis.
2. The complete removal of foreign body airway mucosal tissue necrosis and shedding, unobstructed drainage, basic infection prevention and control measures, followed by strict aseptic technique and disinfection and isolation, strict control of the wound - the lungs - wound bacterial cross-infection; for regular gas secretions smear and culture, sensitive antibiotics. In addition, general supportive therapy should be strengthened in order to improve immune function, prevention and treatment of infections to be rational sense.
First, the treatment:
1. To maintain airway patency, prevention and relief of obstruction
1) endotracheal intubation and tracheostomy:
Tissue damage due to inhalation, mucosal edema, secretions plugging, bronchial spasm, airway obstruction can occur early, it should be timely endotracheal intubation or incision to relieve obstruction, maintain airway patency. Endotracheal intubation indications:
In particular, the nose and mouth face severe burns, there are those who may laryngeal obstruction.
Glottal edema aggravated.
Airway secretions from the difficulties, wheezing and hypoxia were aggravated. Endotracheal intubation difficult too long retention time (usually no more than a week), as it may aggravate the throat edema, or cause throat ulcers, and even legacy narrowing of the glottis.
The indications for tracheostomy:
Glottis edema or more severe and accompanied by the face and neck ring eschar.
Severe bronchial mucus drain persons.
The combined ARDS require mechanical ventilation.
With severe traumatic brain injury or cerebral edema.
Indwelling intubation time more than 24 hours. Tracheotomy, the obstruction can be lifted immediately, and to facilitate the medicine into the trachea lavage, bronchoscopy and facilitate mechanical ventilation. But tracheotomy airway and lung infections also increased opportunities, as long as normal operation, and postoperative care, strengthening preventive measures, can be avoided.
2) eschar open decompression surgery:
Inhalation injury neck, chest and abdomen annular eschar who may compress the airway and blood vessels, limiting the scope of the thorax and diaphragm activity, affect breathing, increased breathing difficulties, reduced blood supply to the brain, causing cerebral hypoxia, therefore, the above time line parts of the eschar incision decompression, to improve respiratory function, prevention of brain hypoxia, is important.
3) drug treatment:
Bronchial spasm available aminophylline 0.25g slow bolus every 4 to 6 hours. Or salbutamol aerosol spray, bronchial dilation can relieve spasm. If sustained episodes of bronchospasm, may be given hormone therapy, and hormone having capillary permeability enhancement prevents acute inflammation symptoms, reduce swelling, maintain the stability of pulmonary surfactant and a stable lysosomal film role. Because the hormone increased the incidence of lung infection, so the idea of ​​early bolus intravenous dexamethasone stronger than hydrocortisone efficacy. ZHU Pei-fang and other reports of severe smoke inhalation injury in dogs, taken early dexamethasone, 654-2 and oxygen and other comprehensive treatment, can accelerate the CO discharge and improve lung function.
⑷ wet atomization: wet in favor of the trachea, bronchial mucosa is not damaged due to dry, cilia activity help enhance capacity to prevent secretions dry scab, to prevent the mucus plug, prevention and mitigation of atelectasis lung infection has Significance. By inhalation may airway medications to spasm, reduce swelling, prevent infection, and other beneficial mucus discharge. Generally with NS 20ml within plus dexamethasone, gentamicin, α- chymotrypsin each one for inhalation.
2. Ensure volume
Improve pulmonary circulation in the past that, after inhalation injury due to pulmonary capillary permeability, fluid extravasation, prone to pulmonary edema, it should be early stage shock resuscitation fluid volume limit, to prevent induced pulmonary edema, this understanding is one-sided because with inhalation injury skin surface burns, bodily fluids from the body surface burn area not only lost, but also lost from damaged airways and lungs, and therefore, should be based on urine output, blood pressure and vital signs change, correct fluid resuscitation, maintaining adequate blood volume to avoid restrictions infusion, unable to maintain effective circulating volume, will eventually lead to poor tissue irrigation fluid, further aggravating tissue damage.
Pulmonary circulation is a low-voltage, low resistance, high-velocity systems, inhalation injury may increase pulmonary vascular resistance, low blood volume will further reduce pulmonary artery pressure, resulting in pulmonary disorders as well as right heart failure, therefore, can be used cardiac drugs, such as poisonous hairs spin Hanako glycosides K and hair flower prop glycosides (cedilanid) to improve pulmonary function. Dextran can reduce blood viscosity, reduce red blood cell aggregation, beneficial to improve microcirculation.
3. Maintain gas exchange function, correct hypoxemia.
1) gas treatment:
Oxygen concentration: the concentration of oxygen can be divided into low concentration (24% to 35%), moderate concentration (35% to 60%), a high concentration (60% to 100%) and hyperbaric oxygen (2 ~ 3atm) four kinds . The oxygen concentration is calculated:
Oxygen concentration (%) = 21% + 4 × oxygen flow
Purpose is to make oxygen PaO2 increased to normal levels. If reduced PaO2, PaCO2 normal or low concentrations can to moderate concentrations of oxygen inhalation; when subject to hypercapnia or respiratory failure, controlled oxygen therapy should be taken that the oxygen concentration should not exceed 35%. ② time oxygen: oxygen is generally believed that for a long time, the oxygen concentration should not exceed 50% to 60%, the time should not exceed 1, 2009, it shall not be more than four hours when inhaling pure oxygen. Inhalation of high concentrations of oxygen for a long time can damage the lungs, chest pain and cough light, there may be severe lung compliance, increased difficulty in breathing, muscle weakness, mental confusion and even death. ③ oxygen Methods: In addition to nasal oxygen catheter, there are oxygen mask, oxygen and mechanical ventilation method account. Respiratory dysfunction caused by inhalation injury, the use of nasal cannula or oxygen mask is often ineffective, generally required positive pressure oxygen and mechanical ventilation.
2) mechanical ventilation:
Patients often occurs after inhalation injury with varying degrees of respiratory insufficiency, if not treated in time, there may be life-threatening respiratory failure. Respirators are an effective measure to treat respiratory failure. Mechanical breathing through a respirator to complete. Use respirators to patients with mechanical ventilation, improve ventilation and ventilatory function, maintain effective ventilation to correct hypoxia, preventing carbon dioxide retention.
Mechanical ventilation is a symptomatic treatment and emergency rescue measures and grasp the opportunity to use the very reason to be. Respirators indications are as follows:
Clinical manifestations: patients with dyspnea, respiratory rate greater than 35 beats / min, blurred consciousness, irritability, tracheotomy, eschar and reduced pressure to ease after oxygen therapy is still not within the respiratory tract shedding of necrotic tissue prolapse, and secretions inability to cough and so on.
Blood gas analysis: by giving high concentrations of oxygen buckle, PaO2 PaCO2 still lower than 7.8kPa or greater than 6.5kPa.
Pulmonary signs and X-ray film: when the patient respiratory failure, early chest radiograph showed low transparency, increased lung markings, thickening, does not match with the signs of breathing difficulties. When the lungs dry, moist rales, chest clouds appear like shadows, more advanced stage.
Although mechanical ventilation can improve respiratory function, but increase the chance of lung infection, so the mechanical and piping cavity should be thoroughly disinfected, to master the correct procedures to prevent cross infection and reduce the chance of lung infection.
The most commonly used mechanical breathing two positive pressure ventilation and high-frequency ventilation. Positive pressure ventilation: Respirator clinical application of mostly positive pressure respirator. Mechanical positive pressure breathing, positive pressure gas is fed into the lungs, lungs and intrathoracic pressure increased. Thus, the circulatory and respiratory systems can have adverse effects. It should be strictly controlled contraindications. Where can condition airway pressure in heavy disorders; such as bullae, high grave pneumothorax, hemoptysis and acute myocardial infarction who were unfit for use.
Intermittent positive pressure breathing (IP PB): a positive pressure inspiratory pressure within the lungs, exhale reduced to atmospheric pressure, the gas by elastic recoil of the chest and lung tissue discharged.
End inspiratory positive pressure breathing (EI PB): end-inspiratory, expiratory before exhalation valve remain closed a transient, then exhale, expanding the use of small airways, increases the effective ventilation.
PEEP breathing (PE EP): inspiratory positive pressure, the pressure inside the lungs, when expiratory airway pressure is still higher than the atmospheric pressure, so that part due to bleeding, atelectasis and other reasons to promote ventilation function alveolar expansion, increasing the gas exchange surface and improve the blood oxygen levels.
Intermittent intense breathing (IMV): mechanical breathing frequency is half the frequency of normal breathing or 1/10. When the respirator is not aspirated, the patient can be spontaneous breathing exercise. Thus, with the condition improved, autonomous breathing recovery, can evacuate respirator.
Respiratory delay: expiratory mouth area plus aperture cover, so that the discharge resistance is increased in exhaled breath, prolonged breath, this time to prevent the collapse of small bronchi breath.
Intermittent positive pressure breathing is a common way, while positive pressure oxygen. When after intermittent positive pressure breathing, and given the high concentration of oxygen, PaO2 still below the 6.7 ~ 8kPa, should be changed to positive end expiratory pressure. Use should be closely observed changes in cardiovascular function in the patient, pay attention to patient blood, blood pressure and pulse rate changes were observed jugular vein distention, so that timely adjustment of pressure. PEEP value, generally 294 ~ 784Pa, should not exceed 1.5kPa, when excessive pressure and excessive gas, can cause varying degrees (HFV): respiratory rate greater than 60 times per minute, it is called high frequency ventilation . It has a low airway pressure, lower pulmonary artery pressure, cardiac positive pressure ventilation (HFPPV). Clinical commonly used high-frequency jet ventilation.
Ways to connect high frequency ventilation percutaneous intratracheal law, the law bronchoscope through the nose and mouth airway law by nasopharyngeal catheter and the most commonly used jet needle and endotracheal or tracheostomy tube connection method. High frequency jet ventilation in clinical frequency range is generally from 120 to 200 beats / min.
HFV despite its advantages, but it also has its drawbacks. Such as the ability to overcome airway resistance is poor, poor carbon dioxide emissions. But carbon dioxide diffusing capacity of about 20 times greater than oxygen, so early use does not produce carbon dioxide retention. If used interchangeably with positive pressure ventilation, it can compensate for its carbon dioxide emissions caused by hyperventilation too many deficiencies. In addition, high frequency ventilation, there are still some problems, such as wet, alveolar collapse, and changes in lung compliance, so the long-term should be used with caution.
3) pull the clutch membrane (membrane oxygenation):
Membrane oxygenator (membrane oxygenation, ECMO) is a collagen membrane composed of multi-unit parallel between the membrane and the membrane overflow with a thin layer of blood, oxygen and blood flow is not in direct contact. The treatment principle is the patient's blood in vitro oxygenation temporarily replace lung function, mechanical ventilation can prevent lung damage, and reduce the load on the lungs, lung disease conducive to treatment and recovery.
Membrane oxygenator is mainly used for the treatment of acute respiratory failure, for the treatment of inhalation injury reported rarely.

Monday, March 28, 2016


Hyperhidrosis is due to sympathetic overactivity caused by excessive secretion of sweat glands of a disease. Sympathetic innervation body sweating. By controlling the sweating heat sympathetic to regulate the body's temperature under normal conditions. But the sweating and facial flushing, hyperhidrosis patient completely lost the normal control. Sweating and facial flushing patients in frustration, anxiety or panic daily.
1. divided according to the situation sweating
1) the limitations of hyperhidrosis: often the beginning of mood swings older teenagers, 25 years later there is a natural tendency to mitigation. The most common site is the limitations of palmoplantar hyperhidrosis and friction surfaces, such as the armpits, groin, perineum. Followed by the forehead, nose and chest. Palmoplantar hyperhidrosis can be persistent or transient, caused by mood swings, no seasonal difference, often cold hands and feet even cyanosis, falling may be associated with hand, foot and keratosis performance. Axillary sweating or mental activity may be due to heat induced. Armpit sweat excessive sweating is due to small-induced, unlike the main cause of underarm odor in apocrine.
2) generalized hyperhidrosis: mainly due to the extensive body of other diseases caused by sweating, like high fever infection due to the regulation of the nervous system or oral antipyretic sweating to dissipate the heat. Like other damages the central nervous system including the cortex and the basal ganglia, spinal cord or peripheral nerves can cause systemic hyperhidrosis.
Generalized hyperhidrosis is difficult to control, focusing on the treatment of diseases associated with the foundation. Palmoplantar hyperhidrosis mainly to local treatment. Axillary hyperhidrosis treatment is often not as good as palmoplantar hyperhidrosis.
1. drug treatment
1) conventional antiperspirant external use include 20% to 25% solution of aluminum chloride, aluminum acetate solution was 0.5%, 3% to 5% formaldehyde solution, 5% alum solution, 5% tannic acid solution. The number of drugs outside use too much, it will cause localized dry chapped mild or severe irritation.
2) systemic drug treatment for hyperhidrosis is mainly related to the primary disease. Sedatives (phenobarbital, amobarbital, secobarbital, chlorine beauty bar ketone, etc.), and a small dose of anti-anxiety drugs (diazepam, hydroxyzine, Dorset equality) of emotional hyperhidrosis effective. Large doses of anticholinergics to inhibit the secretion of sweat, dry mouth can cause unbearable, it tends to be eliminated.
3) Physical Therapy tap water iontophoresis therapy, applied topically (palms and soles, armpits) topical treatment failure patients. Install pacemakers were banned. Shallow X-ray irradiation can inhibit the secretion of sweat glands, only apply to other treatment failure severe palmoplantar hyperhidrosis patients.
4) botulinum toxin A (BTX-A) injection used for the treatment of palmoplantar and axillary hyperhidrosis. Usually 5 to 7 days after injection clear antiperspirant, can maintain an average of 9 to 12 months.
2. Surgical treatment
Selective removal of the second to fourth thoracic sympathetic of palms, armpits, chest and facial hyperhidrosis have a significant effect, but not for patients with plantar hyperhidrosis. And surgery can lead to permanent anhidrosis and other parts of the compensatory sweating, it should be used with caution. Only axillary hyperhidrosis, can be selectively removed underarm sweat glands secrete most active part, this method has a positive effect.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

breast hyperplasia

Prevention of breast hyperplasia tips

1, a healthy diet: If you want a healthy body, in the diet need to pay special attention to them, to follow the principle of low-fat high-fiber diet, eat more whole grains, beans and vegetables, control of animal protein intake, while paying attention to appropriate complementary trace elements.

2, happy mood: good mood, health is also very beneficial for ovarian progesterone secretion of normal breast will not receive estrogen stimulation unilateral hyperplasia emergence has been the proliferation of breast also under the influence of progesterone gradually recovery.

3, pregnancy, breast-feeding is important: make pregnancy progesterone adequate, effective protection, restoration breast, and breast-feeding can make breast fully developed, and well after weaning degradation, easy hyperplasia.

4, regular inspection, proper exercise: disease prevention biggest thing is to have regular gynecological examinations, do a monthly breast self-test regularly to professional organizations do breast examination, every time to do proper breast massage bath, 5 minutes per day expansion chest movement .

5, harmonious sexual life: harmonious sex can regulate endocrine, stimulate the secretion of progesterone, to increase efforts in protecting the breast and restoration efforts, orgasm stimulation can accelerate the blood circulation, prevent breast due to poor blood running hyperplasia occurs.

Recommend a female friend should nutritional diet, a balanced diet.

Myocardial infarction

In everyday, women may be some bad habits can lead to breast disease, especially some small problems are likely to cause mammary gland hyperplasia. We take a look at the bad habits caused by hyperplasia of it.

Three bad habits lead to female breast hyperplasia

Breast hyperplasia caused a lot of small problems, so we need to pay attention to breast health. In fact, breast hyperplasia is the most common female breast disease, and sometimes the pain will spread to the shoulder and back, after breast pain gradually relieve itself, only touched some thickening of the breast, no obvious symptoms are nodules are physiological changes, both non-inflammatory nor tumors.

1, often sulking

Often sulking cause neurasthenia, increased endocrine disorders, promote hyperplasia of the increase. The good mood, ovarian normal ovulation bad mood will not be obstructed, progesterone will not be reduced, it will not be subject to unilateral breast estrogen stimulation and proliferation in the mammary gland hyperplasia has also in progesterone gradual recovery under care.

2, irregular sleep

Sleep is not only beneficial to balance the endocrine, but also to provide a balanced body various hormones exert health benefits of a good environment. If irregular sleep, can easily cause endocrine disorders, endocrine disorders Acne believe that many women experienced. While the other endocrine disorders caused by easy thing hyperplasia. Therefore, to ensure that women sleep regularity.

3, like sexless

First harmonious sex life can regulate endocrine, stimulate the secretion of progesterone, to increase efforts in protecting the breast and repair efforts. Of course, sex will also stimulate the secretion of estrogen, but under the supervision of progesterone, estrogen only obediently breast, there is no opportunity for the mammary gland hyperplasia. In addition, orgasm stimulation can accelerate the blood circulation, prevent breast due to poor blood running hyperplasia occurs.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Snoring prevention approach

Snoring prevention approach:
Snoring, also known as snoring, snoring, sleep apnea syndrome. Snoring is the enemy of health, due to the snoring so sleep apnea repeatedly suspended, resulting in the brain, blood, severe hypoxia, the formation of hypoxemia, induced hypertension, cerebrovascular disease, cardiac arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, angina, worse happen sudden death. We should pay attention, must not negligence, to develop good habits can also be a good prevention of snoring occur.
Enhancing physical activity, maintaining a healthy lifestyle. For the obese, to actively lose weight, increase physical activity. He advocated to reduce the more than 5% -10% of body weight to avoid smoking and alcohol, since smoking can cause respiratory symptoms, alcohol aggravate snoring, nocturnal respiratory disorders and hypoxemia. Especially alcohol before bed. Snoring patients have blood oxygen content decreased, it is often accompanied by high blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances, increased blood viscosity, heart burden, easily lead to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, so should pay attention to monitoring blood pressure, use of antihypertensive medication on time . Lateral position sleeping position, especially in the right lateral position is appropriate to avoid the tongue during sleep, after the soft palate, uvula fall slack, increased upper airway blockage. Can sleep a little ball back on a backing helps keep the mandatory lateral position of sleep. Bedtime prohibit taking sedative hypnotics, so as not to aggravate the respiratory center suppression regulation. Patients after surgery to give priority to soft food, Wu Shi too hot food. Avoid strenuous activity.


Snoring is extremely prone, more friends fell into disease problems which, for their health brought a very serious injury, snoring appears to be related to treatment, we need to treat the disease measures to pay attention to it, then bring my friends to find out what treatment the disease is it.
Snoring cure:
1, nasal continuous positive airway pressure breathing: This method is the treatment of sleep apnea syndrome, the most effective non-surgical treatment, CPAP air like a dilator airway can prevent inspiratory collapse of the soft tissue of the passive, and genioglossus stimulation of mechanoreceptors, so that the airway tension increased. It can be used alone as a therapy, and can also be used in conjunction with surgery, but patients generally difficult to adhere to long-term.
2, a variety of appliances: sleep wear dedicated appliance can raise the soft palate, tongue, active or passive pull forward, and mandibular advancement, to expand the oropharynx and hypopharynx, improve breathing aim is to treat snoring the primary means of one or important adjunct to sleep apnea syndrome, non-surgical treatment, but severe cases ineffective.
3, nasal surgery: Because septal deviation, nasal polyps or nasal turbinate hypertrophy caused by airway obstruction, possible septoplasty, turbinate, or nasal polyps removed, to relieve symptoms.
4, uvula, palate, pharynx angioplasty: This surgical resection is too long uvula and soft palate edge relaxation of pharyngeal wall mucosa, the pharyngeal wall mucosa forward tensioning suture to achieve remission of the soft palate and oropharynx level airway obstruction, which can not lift the hypopharynx airway obstruction, so be sure to choose the right indications.
5, orthognathic surgery: since the 1970s, orthognathic surgery maxillofacial deformities technology matures, applications orthognathic surgical treatment of oropharyngeal deformity caused by the jaw and lower pharyngeal airway obstructive sleep apnea Comprehensive Zheng has become one of the effective methods. Snoring has been dragging do not suffer from medical treatment, that will only make the condition more complex, increasing the difficulty of treatment, it affects their health will be greater. Of course, life is very important to prevent snoring, develop good habits, timely treatment Throat diseases.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Vaginal secretions

Vaginal secretions is a women's private parts, it is also judged reproductive health signals. Once the symptoms of abnormal vaginal discharge, must be timely treatment, so as not to delay the disease. Next, the network will love the beautiful revealed abnormal vaginal discharge Several effective treatment approaches.
1. abnormal vaginal discharge caused by Trichomonas vaginitis
If the discharge volume, yellow foam, accompanied by genital itching, it may have developed Trichomonas vaginitis; trichomonas vaginitis see most of these white sick, genital itching and tingling, and even feel a sense of reptiles, vaginal discharge It was significantly increased, with white foam and sour taste. Optional metronidazole (metronidazole) tablets, 3 times a day, each 200 mg.
2. abnormal vaginal discharge caused by gonococcal vaginitis
If the discharge was kind of bean dregs, genital itching, it may be infected with fungal vaginitis; if secretions are many, yellow purulent, your partner has the rule of travel history, then maybe got gonococcal vaginitis; when treatment can be try the following: 10 grams of honeysuckle with Chinese medicine, goldenrod 15 grams, 15 grams bamboo dish, Shi Wei, 10 grams, 20 grams rush, plantain 10 grams, Treats 15 grams, decoction behalf of the tea a day agent. Can also be used dregs water Zai Jian, take soup douching.
3. abnormal vaginal discharge caused by fungal vaginitis
Vulvar and vaginal wall is often covered with a layer of white film which was exposed after clashes inflamed mucosal surface, easy to fungal infection, often accompanied by genital itching and burning pain. Especially in people with diabetes or pregnant women, should think of this as pregnant women and people with diabetes, poor health, low immunity, prone to fungal infections, leading to fungal vaginitis. Fungal vaginitis, genital itching unbearable, vaginal irritation, vaginal discharge, samples were rubbish or curd-like. Available Nystatin suppository (10,000 units), night time into the vagina, 10 days for a course of treatment.

4. abnormal vaginal discharge caused by bacterial vaginosis
Bacterial vaginosis vaginal discharge color yellow quantity, smell, burning and swelling associated with genital urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria. Available efficiency associated sulfur tablets, each serving two, three times a day. If vaginal discharge, it may be cervical erosion; if accompanied by abdominal pain, pelvic inflammatory disease may be at play; if vaginal bleeding vaginal discharge watery or bloody like, a bad smell, or intercourse, irregular bleeding, to guard against cervical cancer, endometrial cancer.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Stomach trouble(gastropathy)

The so-called stomach is actually many diseases collectively. They have similar symptoms, such as epigastric abdominal discomfort, pain, fullness after meals, heating, acid reflux, or even nausea, vomiting and so on. Common clinical stomach acute gastritis, chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, gastroduodenal complex ulcers, gastric polyps, gastric stones, benign and malignant tumors of the stomach, and gastric mucosal prolapse, acute gastric dilatation, pyloric obstruction.

Symptoms can be very mild gastritis can also important, the most common are abdominal discomfort or pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite. On gastric and duodenal ulcer symptoms, compared with abdominal burning pain, especially between meals, breakfast or occur after drinking orange juice, coffee or aspirin. In severe cases, there may tarry, black or bloody stools.

First, of the dietary laws.
Try to make regular meals, regular meals 5-6 times per day, eating less, can reduce the burden on the stomach, to avoid excessive expansion of the stomach; meals more often, there is often a small amount of food the stomach can, to neutralize stomach within excessive stomach acid. Sick people are the best eating nutritious, and easy to digest soft foods such as noodles, rice, milk, etc., if qualified, can also eat honey, because honey can inhibit gastric acid secretion, promote ulcer healing function.

Second, pay attention to food hygiene.

Again, eat the stomach irritant drugs. Long-term use of gastric irritant drugs, such as erythromycin, prednisone, etc., can cause gastric mucosal injury and inflammation or ulcers.

Fourth, keep cheerful. Stomach whether health and spiritual factors have a great relationship. Excessive mental stimulation, such as long-term stress, fear, sadness, depression, etc. can cause dysfunction of the cerebral cortex, the promotion of the vagus nerve dysfunction, lead to stomach spasm contraction, and then induced gastritis, gastric ulcer. Therefore, usually to a happy, cheerful, strong-willed, and good release themselves from the predicament.

Pay attention to patients with stomach general treatment, such as rest system and a reasonable diet, appropriate rest, smoking and drinking, disable the tea and coffee. At the same time, reducing the amount of stomach acid and should strengthen the mucous layer in direct contact with the acid protection. Usually used non-prescription drugs include antacid agents and gastric mucosal protective agent, may be suitably selected antispasmodic agents.

Monday, March 14, 2016

How to control blood glucose?

To be successful control of blood glucose, in the end how to do that correct?

Diabetes is a metabolic disease, when the blood glucose is higher than the standard value for a long time, the treatment is not yet properly controlled, it will accelerate deterioration of blood vessels, resulting in systemic vascular injury size. Over time, fear leads to stroke, heart disease, kidney disease, neuropathy, blindness, difficult to heal wound infection and other complications.

Chinese medicine in the treatment of diabetes, and more focused on solving glucose uptake and utilization of functions in the body. The main way was through the stomach to make the digestive system function conditioning, so too much glucose in the blood inside, able to be re-absorbed by the body and the use of, and thus achieve the purpose of lowering blood sugar.
It is therefore recommended to succeed tangyou stabilize blood sugar, should the change in eating habits, reducing refined sugars, and spicy food intake, avoid Xin Wen to help heat Shangyin goods, but is not conducive to blood glucose control.

So, you want to maintain blood glucose, insulin secretion is stable, faithful or sugar is recommended to develop the first soup, eat vegetables, eat meat, eat, order fruit to eat the last meal more protection!

In addition, to develop a moderate, consistent exercise habits, blood glucose control is equally important! Exercise can not only promote energy consumption, weight loss; at the same time, also helps to reduce neutral fat and LDL cholesterol, raise HDL cholesterol; enhance heart and lung function; increased muscle tension, improve physical strength.

Most importantly, the movement also promote insulin secretion, blood glucose lowering effect. In particular, in the case of blood circulation becomes good, and to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular and peripheral vascular disease also has a good help. Among these are jogging, folk dance, rhythmic dance, swimming, brisk walking, cycling and other aerobic exercise is a good choice.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


 Wha Causes of epilepsy in children with recurrentt? Why epilepsy seizures it will be repeated? What causes epilepsy can not be completely cured recurrent. We all know the impact of epilepsy on the child and parents and friends of the great, the cause of epilepsy in children caused a lot of each cause of epilepsy in children has the distinction, then the reasons for recurrent seizures in children, what does? Let's look at the reasons epilepsy experts to introduce recurrent:
First, predisposing factors, mostly the seizures occur suddenly, without apparent cause of epilepsy in children. But there are some episodes do have predisposing factors exist. This period may be predisposing factors arise, such as with the onset of menstrual cycle or endocrine factors, some predisposing factors are irregular lines occur. The cause of epilepsy can live a normal life in the natural sensory stimuli, it may stimulate appear suddenly, or by the sick children themselves induced stimulation.

Second, genetic factors, refers to epilepsy (epileptic) genetic susceptibility. Numerous studies have demonstrated the cause of epilepsy and genetic factors. Genetic ions can affect the function of the cell membrane, reducing the seizure threshold, causing neuronal discharge.
Third, the age factor, the cause of epilepsy in children of different ages caused different. Age or maturity of the brain tends to affect not only the attack, but also affect the type of attack. Etiology and age distribution of epilepsy in children with epilepsy (epileptic) in diagnosis and prevention of guiding significance for perinatal, neonatal, infant and early childhood brain development, genetic, metabolic, midwifery and other issues essential to give enough attention.
The above described reasons recurrent seizures in children, and friends should now understand the causes of epilepsy in children with recurrent What of it, hope this introduction can bring help to children with epilepsy and their families. If you have any questions about epilepsy, you can consult our online experts, will provide detailed answers for you.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Impotence and Chinese Treatment

Impotence refers to male sexual life, the penis can not erect or erection is not firm or hard and long, can not complete a normal sex life, or the penis into the vagina can not have sexual intercourse. Impotence, also known as "Yang things do not move," and so on, is the most common male sexual dysfunction diseases. 1 or 2 times sex occasionally fail, is not considered as suffering from impotence. Only during intercourse failure rate exceeds 25% can be diagnosed impotence. According to foreign statistics, impotent patients 37% to 42% of all male sexual dysfunction.
(A) Liver Qi Stagnation: Governing Law liver qi stagnation. Stagnation of the fire are advised to liver qi stagnation and heat. Recipe Xiaoyaosan Sini Powder with white Tribulus terrestris Li, purple flower shoot, Toosendan, vinegar corydalis. Bupleurum, citrus aurantium, mint liver qi stagnation; angelica, peony Softening nourishing yin; Zhigancao rapid relief of the liver; white doctors quinoa into the liver, through the yang; shoot purple flowers into the liver, cures impotence; Toosendan, vinegar yuan Hu into the gas separation, a minute into the blood, liver qi stagnation can relieve pain. Various drugs were played Shugan Qi Gong treatment of impotence. He died of a long illness qi stagnation, Yi Yu-fire a long time, the performance of chest pain, red eyes, dry mouth, red tongue, thin yellow, pulse a few strings, Expelling DZXS flavored to relieve liver stagnation, Liver heat.
(Ii) permits liver tribulations
Liver and town inverse therapies. Recipe Xiaoyaosan plus keel, oysters, abalone, Tribulus terrestris, antelope horn powder. 5 hepatic drug are classics, Liver and lower gas, liver SHU, impotence can be more.
(Iii) liver heat Syndrome. Therapeutic heat and dampness. Recipe Longdan add Cnidium. Fang gentian diarrhea liver real fire to make bupleurum liver, slow liver urgent licorice, combined with Poria, Gardenia, wood, Alisma, Plantago heat and dampness, so that all urine away from the heat, Cnidium yang to dampness. Angelica, habitat to Liver. The wonderful party in the agent and anti-diarrhea liver Bugan adjuvant drugs, liver Tibetan cover dirty blood, the blood that is so Bugan. Cnidium hard dampness, cures impotence.
(Iv) blood stasis syndrome. Therapeutic blood circulation meridians. Recipe centipede network of soup. Fang Centipede King and medicine, blood stasis of the network, take the power of channeling the strongest; Chuanxiong, red peony, water frog, Aspongopus, white silkworm drugs for the minister to help the Centipede Dudley network; Bupleurum qi Astragalus qi, qi impotence purple flower shoot, a total of adjuvant; Achyranthes cited drugs down behavior make the drug. Compatibility of various drugs, played a total of qi and blood circulation, stasis effect of collateral to cure impotence. Tonga also Xuefuzhuyu leech, earthworm, Passepartout. Fang leech, earthworm, Passepartout promoting blood into the collaterals; angelica, Achyranthes, safflower, peach, red peony, Chuanxiong nourishing blood circulation; habitat Yin, Shugan Qi; Citrus aurantium, bellflower, licorice Xuan Lee lung, Tom Lee blood. Comprehensive view of all parties, played a total of qi and blood, meridians effect.
(V) Vital Huoshuai card. Therapeutic Warming Vital fire. Recipe with cold valley Chunsheng Dan. The square was originally "Fairy Party Collection" therapeutically & ldquo; Deficiency old, impotence sperm decline without children & rdquo; and set. Side with antler, Epimedium, Morinda, Cistanche, chive seed, Eucommia, Curculigo, Cnidium, aconite, cinnamon Warming Vital fire; Rehmannia, Angelica, medlar, cornus, kidney yin Bugan, take & ldquo; good Yang who will be in the Yin Yang & rdquo; meaning; ginseng, Atractylodes spleen Qi, to help biochemical source. Compatibility of various drugs, yang and kidney, fill fine blood, played a total of Zhongyuan Yang Pei kidney to cure impotence effect.
(Vi) yin deficiency syndrome. Therapeutic Yin and kidney. Both wang who should yin and kidney, and Qingxudong heat. Recipe with Zuoguiwan. Fang reuse large pregnant Rehmannia, ney to fill really overcast; medlar, smart head; Cornus fine astringent astringent. 2 plastic turtle deer, as sentient flesh and blood products, plastic deer biased yang, yin somewhat plastic turtle, two plastic force, communication Renduermai, Yijing fill the marrow, to seek yin yang. Dodder with Achyranthes, strong waist and knee, healthy bones. Yam spleen ney. Various drugs, played a total fill ney yin, yang latent female infertility treatment effect to impotence. Wang who should above plus Rehmanniae, Cortex Moutan, Ligustrum lucidum, Eclipta Qingxudong fire and other drugs to Yin Jiang Huo.
(Vii) hepatic veins cold stagnation syndrome. Therapeutic warm through warm and cold liver. Recipe warm liver fried plus cornus, Aspongopus, Curculigo, Epimedium, Morinda. Fang fennel, cinnamon warm through cold pain law; Lindera, incense and cold warming kidney qi; medlar, angelica nourishing the liver and kidney; Poria fill in the spleen righting, plus cornus, Aspongopus, Curculigo, Faerie spleen, cinnamon Warming impotence, law hepatic veins of pathogenic cold. Various drugs, played a total of warm and cold to cure impotence effect.
(Viii) timid fear of renal injury syndrome. Therapeutic kidney Bugan, embolden rather God. Recipe by Kai entertainment Pill. Impotence and set; Kai entertainment Pill original "dialectical recorded" Treatment & ldquo; Chi Italy fail, Yang Shu, Firelight depression rather than open, prosperous and kidney fire although not & rdquo. Fang ginseng, dodder seed, angelica, white peony root kidney Bugan embolden; Polygalaceae, by God, Shichangpu, raw Zaoren Anshen cure panic; Amomum, Atractylodes, Chinese yam, licorice spleen and stomach benefits acquired; Bupleurum, orange qi, qi caused panic in rows. Compatibility of various drugs, played a total of kidney embolden God rather Impotence power.
(Ix) liver blood deficiency. Liver blood therapies. Recipe spleen soup. Fang Codonopsis, Astragalus, Atractylodes, Licorice Spleen Qi with Blood; Angelica, habitat Yin and blood; Fu Shen, Zao Ren uneasiness of mind; Koro woody qi Xingpi that complement rather than stagnation. Various drugs, played a total of Rong Yang tendons blood work to cure impotence.
(X) phlegm resistance network card. Metallurgical law phlegm, wet method, meridians. Party of prescription envelope with silkworm drink. Fang white silkworm Weixin Xianping, non-toxic, good phlegm, Huoxuetongluo to cure impotence, King and medicine; tetrandra, herb, Pinellia, Citrus, Poria, including trichosanthis, Yiyiren help herbs wet method sputum, Chen medicine; Astragalus spleen, honeycomb temperature transport spleen, raw Puhuang stasis, Aspongopus San stagnation and stomach, as adjuvant; Guizhi, Passepartout qi Tong Yang phlegm, cited various drugs directly the disease, to make medicine. And use of various drugs, played a total of phlegm, wet method, power meridians to cure impotence.
(Xi) the spleen and stomach qi deficiency Governing Law qi, spleen, and stomach. Recipe drinking nine incense Changchun. Fang Aspongopus King and medicine, spleen and stomach, good governance impotence; Honeycomb, ginseng spleen Qi Impotence; Astragalus, Atractylodes, Poria, Alisma Spleen wet cure, drugs for the minister; yam, white peony up spleen Yin, anti various drugs before, as adjuvant; Gui Xingpi meridians, the medicine directly to patients, licorice spleen and stomach, to reconcile the various drugs, to make medicine. Compatibility of various drugs, played a total of coke deficiency of impotence treatment effect.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer's disease (Alzheimer's disease, AD) is a progressive dementia chronic degenerative disease of the central nervous system caused by, is the most common cause of dementia and the most common senile dementia. AD to progressive memory disorders, cognitive dysfunction, personality changes and language barriers and other neuropsychiatric symptoms characteristic. Often the early onset in old age or elderly, more slow onset, gradual progression to dementia as the main performance, the onset of the old year or more there is a family history with the disease, rapid progression of the disease. Genetic predisposition and mutations 10% of AD patients have a clear family history, especially in patients with onset before age 65, so family history is an important risk factor, it was considered first degree relatives of AD 80 to 90 years of age about 50% of the incidence, risk no family history of AD 2 to 4 times, early onset autosomal dominant AD is relatively rare exception, the world's only 120 families determined to carry disease-causing genes, and genes involved in the pathogenesis of FAD include 21, 14 at present, 1 number and chromosome 19, found so far, FAD is an autosomal dominant genetic disease, genetic heterogeneity.
1. Life must be rules. Time and rest, work and rest, to ensure adequate sleep, before going to bed do not drink tea or coffee drinks, which are irritant, can not be too excited, easy to chat chat with warm water wash feet, calm sleep early morning modest activity, life content to be rich, neither idle, lonely, bored, and do not be too tired, lack of rest.
2. appropriate diet. Is necessary to ensure adequate nutrition, but also restrict certain adverse food for the elderly. In particular, have high blood pressure and high cholesterol and other diseases, should Eat less animal fat phoenix soybean oil, vegetable oil instead of lard, cholesterol-rich foods such as organ meats, egg yolk, roe, eel, etc. should be limited. Food should adopt a sober light-based, pond and salt are not too much, but also have the necessary vitamins and other nutrients, the right amount to eat more vegetables, soy mouth, lean meat and fruit.
3. appropriate to participate in sports activities. "Life is movement", but to do what, step by step, do I meet the age and health of physical exercise, such as gymnastics, running, sword dance, boxing and sports activities, such as walking.
4. To smooth the mood. Do not watch a lot of irritating TV shows, movies and participate in gambling. Participate in recreational activities (such as playing cards, etc.) should also be appropriate, not day and night, of rest.