Monday, March 10, 2008

Myth: Sunscreen Is All You Need To Prevent Skin Cancer

"Unfortunately, sunscreen gives us a false sense of security. It's like driving a car. A seatbelt can save your life, but you also need to drive responsibly. The same goes for sun exposure you can apply sunscreen, but that alone won't prevent skin cancer, " adds Dr. Brod.According to the Medical Society's recent statewide Patient Poll, more than 60% of respondents indicated that they rarely wore sunscreen, even though they also stated that they were concerned about cancer. Between 2001 and 2005, more than 2000 Pennsylvanians died of melanoma of the skin and 60% were men . The Patient Poll also showed that males were less likely to wear sunscreen than females, putting them at significantly higher risk for skin cancer.But Pennsylvanians don't need to worry as much as people who live in warmer climates, right? Contrary to popular belief, skin cancer is not just a summer issue. UV rays damage the skin 365 days a year, reflecting off snow and passing through car windows. There is also a popular misconception that a "base tan" can make you better protected as you go outdoors. "Patients come back from vacation and tell me proudly that they had a good " base" and used sunscreen. And I tell them that the fact that you're tan means there's skin damage," adds Dr. Brod.Both physicians are particularly concerned about the use of tanning beds and booths, especially by teens. The intense UV rays cause significant skin damage which results in premature aging of the skin and a higher incidence of melanoma the deadliest form of skin cancer.Dr. Laskas advises patients to be reasonable. "Don't sunbathe, indoors or outdoors. When you do go outdoors, wear a sunblock that protects against both UVA and UVB rays. If you're bald, wear a hat and if you absolutely have to be tan, try some of the new self-tanning products to get that 'golden glow'."

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