Monday, March 10, 2008

Neural vomiting

Nervous outlined called psychogenic vomiting vomiting. Recurrent episodes of vomiting features, without organic diseases as a basis, often with the psycho-social factors. As more clinical performance is not a pleasant environment or psychological tensions occurred. Was repeated involuntary attack of vomiting, which occurs after eating, there suddenly projectile vomiting. no significant nausea and other discomfort, without affecting appetite, vomiting after eating, more weight is not reduced, no endocrine disorder, Standing with hysteric personality. Differential diagnosis should be excluded of the nerves leading to vomiting and physical disease. No other symptoms of hysteria. Treatment of a drug treatment : general spasm of antiemetic effect was not significant, stable type drugs to reduce anxiety definitely helps Some patients with sulpiride Lee effective. 2, behavioral therapy can achieve better results. 3, psychological treatment to the patients, clarifying the nature of the disease, pathogenesis and prognosis, eliminate tension, can actively cooperate with medical treatment and achieved satisfactory results.

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