Wednesday, July 21, 2010

10 major warning signals of cancer

  Cancer if early detection is no longer the "incurable." But how early discovery and diagnosis of cancer, cancer treatment has been the problem, if an early discovery of cancer will significantly improve the cure rate. Here are ten of cancer warning signals, for reference:
  (1) skin, breast, thyroid, neck, bones or other parts of the reach of the induration or hard change.
  (2) moles or warts (neoplasms) change dramatically.
  (3) swallowing a foreign body sensation in the esophagus, food choking sensation or upper abdominal pain and irregular digestion is not normal continuity.
  (4) long-term changes in the tongue and unexplained loss of appetite, weight loss.
  (5) unknown cause black stool, stool or diarrhea and constipation alternate.
  (6) unknown cause of painless hematuria.
  (7) persistent hoarseness, dry cough, bloody sputum, or lung mass shadow was found on physical examination.
  (8), epistaxis and nasopharyngeal secretions of blood, hearing loss, tinnitus, headache.
  (9) excessive menstrual blood, menstrual outside or irregular vaginal bleeding after menopause.
  (10), unexplained fever, anemia.
  General to the middle-aged, human immunity began to decrease, then it will be more active in cancer cells. This part of the crowd when one of the above symptoms, should long ago doctors, early diagnosis, early treatment and improve cure rates of cancer.