Sunday, July 6, 2008

Surgical treatment of the effects of cholecystitis »

Surgical treatment of cholecystitis, abdominal surgery is the most common surgical one. The world each year to millions of patients for such surgery, but surgical treatment is not very satisfactory methods of treatment will have some postoperative complications, there are still 0.5 percent to 3 percent of mortality. Particularly due to a sudden deterioration of conditions to surgery, a higher mortality rate. In general, surgical treatment depends on the patient's age, surgery time. The greater the age, the night time operation, the worse the effect. With the development of modern medical and surgical methods of improvement, so that security and surgical cure rate has been greatly improved, after generally satisfactory results. For the following clinical situation, it is necessary to choose timely treatment. (1) clinical symptoms of serious, drug treatment does not work, conditions continue to worsen, not alleviate non-surgical treatment of patients. (2) gallbladder or swelling gradually increased, abdominal tenderness Obviously, abdominal serious tension or gangrene and perforation of the gallbladder, those with diffuse peritonitis. (3) recurrent acute cholecystitis, a clear diagnosis, the treatment of abdominal signs increased significantly boost the levy to peritoneum. (4) laboratory examination, blood WBC significantly increased, the total number of 20 × 109 / L or more. (5) deepening jaundice, a common bile duct stone obstruction. (6) chills, chills, fever and a tendency to shock poisoning. Surgical treatment of acute cholecystitis, its operation methods are generally two kinds: First, cholecystectomy; Second, the gallbladder fistulization, fistulization relatively late for many patients, it is estimated that difficult tolerance cholecystectomy or serious complications in patients To Nongye drainage or removal of stones, generally for 6 to 8 weeks in a stable condition after the trip cholecystectomy, such as the general situation of extreme weakness, but also long-term resettlement gallbladder made fistula drainage, contrast to the bile duct system without the presence of stone, Removal of fistula can be made. If the diagnosis is not identified or associated with serious heart and lung disease patients can be diagnosed or general situation will improve after cholecystectomy. Clinical Practice shows that the incidence within 48 hours after surgery treatment, of whom 15 percent have gangrene or even perforation of the gallbladder, such as the incidence more than 72 hours, the mortality increase, so once the surgery should be early indications of surgical treatment.

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