Monday, March 10, 2008


As outlined lymphatic hyperplasia and expansion from the lymphangioma (lymph-vessel tumor) is a kinds of tumors. By endothelial cells with a cavity structure, which is full of lymph. Due to different organizational structure is divided into clinical capillary lymphangioma, sponge-like lymphangioma and cystic lymphangioma three types. Incidence was mostly children, the authors found that the clinical observation of adult morbidity is also common, slow tumor growth, self dissipated extremely rare. A clinical performance. Simple lymphangioma : limbs, scrotal skin, oral mucosa common, who was thick skin vesicles, wart-like protuberances. light yellow, a mixture of small vessels, bringing the pink or purple. Skin lesions normal, painless no itch. Occurred in the tongue, was macroglossia. 2. Cavernous lymphangioma : can occur in the surface could also happen in deep tissue. Limitations were irregular soft mass edge unclear, no tenderness, diffuse in the limbs, limb deformities mast, bone hypertrophy, was swollen rubber-like changes. Tongue occurred in parts of the lips, tongue emerging giant, giant lip syndrome. 3. Cystic lymphangioma : Clinical see the largest neck were accounted for 3 / 4. Local soft for the cystic mass, a sense of volatility, transmission test positive. Tumor and skin adhesion, slow growth, intracapsular infected persons infected symptoms, intracystic hemorrhage tumor suddenly increased, Tension increased, Green purple. Growth in the floor of the mouth, throat or mediastinal can tracheoesophageal compression caused respiratory distress and eating difficult and even life-threatening. A diagnosis. Lymphangioma occur in the limbs, neck and chest. In the tongue were macroglossia, located in the lips of those with huge lips. Tumor soft, painless and pressure it to disappear. If intracystic hemorrhage or a rich vein, Green was purple. 2. Congenital cystic hygroma, less see, in two more years before found. More in the neck on the sternocleidomastoid muscle behind the collarbone, sometimes in the armpit, chest wall and other parts of the cystic mass, have to spread around the growth characteristics of mass soft, translucent, general without tenderness, puncture or chylothorax out transparent liquid samples. Treatment 1. Expect healing therapy; The smaller limited lymphangioma not affect the function also affect the appearance, not treatment, 1 -2 follow-up observation, but no increases were dissipated further treatment. 2. Cystic Hygroma or lymphoma are cavernous injection therapy should be to reduce complications and for the ideal cosmetic effect. 3. Lymphangioma secondary infection to injection or inappropriate surgery, first infection control. 4. Intracystic hemorrhage is not injection therapy or surgery followed. 5. Surgical treatment. Surgical indications : (1) neck, mouth, eyes facial lymphangioma affect breathing, eating, visual function, or even life-threatening; (2) injection therapy; (3) Giant limbs, giant tongue, lip huge impact on the functions and appearance, the need for surgery refurbishment; (4) abdominal, mediastinal can not be injection therapy for the lymphangioma. Surgical treatment of general preventive anti-infective major role in the selection of Gram-positive bacteria drugs (such as erythromycin, Penicillin, etc.), poor health or infection with regular joint medication, more commonly used for : role in Gram-positive bacteria drugs (such as penicillin) + role in the drug gram-negative bacteria (such as ampicillin) + Role of anaerobic bacteria in drugs (such as metronidazole); Preoperative and postoperative infection or serious complications can be the basis of clinical and antibiotic sensitivity testing of choices "B" and "C" above effective antibiotic -. An auxiliary inspection. General lymphangioma according to the main symptoms and signs, basically diagnosis. 2.B-detectable tumor size, scope, nature and the relationship with surrounding tissue. 3. Neck, collarbone, armpit lymphangioma arrived should understand the X-ray bronchial tumor, mediastinal relations. 4. Right deep and visceral lymphangioma feasible CT, MRI diagnosis, and understanding its relationship to surrounding tissue. 5. Right abdomen, gastrointestinal lymphoma possible gastrointestinal barium contrast, endoscopic and laparoscopic examination. 6. Puncture diagnosis of vertebral hemangiomas can identify with.

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