Monday, March 10, 2008

Shallow reflection anomaly

Overview shallow reflection including corneal reflex, gag reflex, abdominal reflexes and cremaster reflex, plantar reflex, such as anal reflex. Most real shallow reflection of noxious stimulation or tactile stimulus caused by the buckling of reflection, its reflex arc, including a long complex pathway, root preganglionic neurons into sensory impulses up the spinal cord through the cerebral cortex, may reach back to the central ago, after the return to Central, falling by the pyramidal tract to the spinal anterior horn cells. So Cone beam damage resulting from the skin and tendon reflexes disappear increase. Reflex arc of the spinal cord can also be interrupted appeared skin reflex, the upper motor neuron paralysis may arise shallow reflection weakened or disappeared. Unconscious, anesthesia, deep sleep, within one-year-old baby may also disappear. Shallow reflection of the character of the feelings of the broad opposition, which II, III and IV-fibers universal distribution line. Secondly, the simple reflex pathway by more synaptic transmission, reflection flexor accompanied by the extensor motor neuron inhibition. Cause pathogenesis one. Abnormal abdominal reflex : afferent nerve to 7 ~ 12 intercostal nerve, through the central spinal cord 7 ~ 12 of the horn cell column and the same section of the anterior horn cells. Meanwhile horn cells in the brain fiber uplink arrived at the parietal cortex, the brain through the Link system to the brain motor area, issued fiber downlink with pyramidal tract, limited to 7 ~ 12 spinal cord anterior horn. Efferents to 7 ~ 12 intercostal nerve. Clinical abdominal reflexes disappear most meaningful, physiologic abdominal reflexes disappear more common in the elderly, maternal, excessive abdominal fat, abdominal relaxation or peritoneal disease (peritonitis, ascites). Multiple sclerosis early pyramidal tract damage levy arises abdominal reflexes often disappear. Abdominal hyperreflexia more common in the spirit of tension, excitement or nervousness, no positioning sense. Parkinson's disease, Huntington's, extrapyramidal disease reflex enhance skin wall. Chorea unilateral type, contralateral abdominal lesions hyperreflexia. 2. Cremaster reflex : reproductive unit afferent nerves and obturator nerve cutaneous branch, Efferent reproductive femoral nerve and muscle obturator nerve branch, center for a spinal cord ~ 4 of the horn cell column and the same section of the anterior horn cells. and abdominal reflex after a similar cutaneous branch of the reflex arc length, efferents to the femoral nerve cutaneous branch. Cremaster reflex than reflection of abdominal lesions strong immunity, the reduction or loss of abdominal reflex than later. Cremaster reflex in the elderly, testicular stagnant water, varicocele, orchitis, vice orchitis or testicular tumors, brain lesions, myelopathy, pyramidal tract and abdominal damage cremaster reflex may arise weakened or disappeared. 3. Anal reflex : afferent nerve to pudendal nerve. In central spinal cord 4 ~ 5-horn cells and the same segment of the anterior horn cells, efferents to the pudendal nerve. Anal sphincter accept bilateral perineal nerve, when the side of pyramidal tract damage, or peripheral nerve damage, anal reflex still exist, and when both sides of pyramidal tract damage or damage to the cauda equina, anal reflex. A clinical performance. Abnormal abdominal reflex : the patient supine, abdomen relaxed, slightly sharp objects along the subcostal oblique margin (Heart 7-8), Ping umbilical (thoracic 9 -10) and the groin (Heart 11-12) the parallel direction, from medial to lateral abdominal wall skin is light, the reaction for the lateral abdominal muscles contracted, umbilicus to stimulate parts of migration. Normal reflex is extremely weak or totally leads, preferably in the suction end of inspections. In slightly muscular tension (At this point he raised his head slightly) easily leads, the throne Enhancement Act. Abdominal defensive reflex muscle contraction as a big majority of the ipsilateral lower extremities associated with the reflex buckling, This reflection from the beginning to stimulate muscle contraction long incubation period. Another side of excitement can cause sexual side reflex contraction of the abdominal muscles, abdominal reflex than strong. 2. Clonorchis reflector bulbs anomaly : Penny Cotton Carriers rapid bottom-up or top-down light is nearly win the groin thigh skin, bold response to the ipsilateral Cremaster contraction, testis brought up. Scrotum is not accompanied by contraction and should not be confused with the scrotum contraction. Reflex in normal testis can be mild asymmetry might be due to testis in the scrotum of different locations. Cremaster reflection and abdominal reflexes same meaning. If the side cremaster reflex weakened or disappeared, suggesting that the side of the pyramidal tract damage. By the cremaster reflex than reflection abdominal stronger resistance to disease, and reduce the loss of abdominal reflex than later. 3. Anal reflex : pin pricking the skin around the anus, the reaction of the external anal sphincter contraction, external anal sphincter contraction from the surface difficult to see, through the digital rectal examination is touching its contraction, Mawei and taper lesions anal reflex reduce or disappear.

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