Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bleeding ulcer disease of the clinical symptoms

Bleeding ulcer disease can cause the clinical symptoms and the number of blood loss and blood loss rate is closely related to the speed. When the bleeding 50-100 ml, and there can be bleeding to 400 ml, is not only black, but also a series of appears hematemesis and hemorrhagic symptoms. Sustained massive bleeding can result in lower blood volume, anemia, hypoxia, circulatory failure and death. (1) and hematemesis and then: the following general pyloric gastrorrhagia less bleeding or do not cause nausea, vomiting, do not occur hematemesis, and then only solution. If the amount of bleeding, can cause nausea, hematemesis, if the blood in the stomach stranded in a short time, then vomiting of bright red Chenganhongse even if the blood in the stomach stay a long time, oxygenated hemoglobin into the role of acid is iron hemoglobin And a brown. If at the end of Ouchu stomach bleeding, then discharged into the intestine, a black tar-like it or it, the amount of bleeding, intestinal peristalsis fast when it is dark red blood. (2) abdominal pain and discomfort: Most patients with bleeding ulcer before the upper abdominal pain, seizures or aggravate, the pain and bleeding after the often reduce or disappear. (3) changes in blood: bleeding early, because of peripheral vascular contraction and re-distribution of red blood cells, such as physical conditioning, hemoglobin, the red blood cells and blood pressure values of the plot can be no change. 6-12 hours after the bleeding, as inter-organizational liquid into the blood circulation, hemoglobin (hemoglobin) and red blood cells and diluted numerical lower. Bleeding more often after the WBC more than 10,000, Neutrophils also increased. (4) fever: Medium, or bleeding patients, often accompanied with fever, generally within 24 hours to appear, mostly in the following 38.5 ℃, sustained ranging from a few days to a week. This is due to decomposition products lumen, the absorption of blood, blood volume reduction, anemia, in the destruction of proteins, such as circulatory failure to regulate body temperature caused by instability in Central. (5) around the circulatory failure: blood loss, reduced blood volume, blood pressure dropped, can cause the heart to speed up. If the excessive amount of bleeding, Huixin cardiac output and reduce the output of both, may lead to circulatory failure, respiratory function at the same time also be affected. Because heart, brain, kidneys and other vital organs of severe ischemia, lack of oxygen, the shock will become irreversible. In the surrounding circulatory failure, patients can be manifested as irritability, fatigue, flustered, headache, nausea, thirst, difficulty in breathing (hypoxia), pale skin, sometimes cyanosis, cold limbs Jue, the pulse Xiruo until they can not and, Not even lower blood pressure measured. Persistent bleeding can cause oliguria or urine, can cause serious acute renal failure. (6) azotemia: Many patients with ulcer bleeding in the first few days after a azotemia. Continue to hemorrhage, the content of nitrogen in the blood also gradually increased. This is due to enteric to the blood protein digestion by the decomposition products were Xishouruxue, cause azotemia other bleeding can cause renal dysfunction, can not discharge of nitrogen and therefore have azotemia.

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