Friday, November 21, 2008

Fetal deformities caused by congenital hydrocephalus What are the characteristics of the performance?

Q: fetal deformities caused by congenital hydrocephalus What are the characteristics of the performance?
A: congenital hydrocephalus caused by fetal malformation. There were common:
1. Midbrain deformities are divided into: ① aqueduct bifurcation malformation; ② aqueduct stenosis or atresia; ③ divide aqueduct.
2. Chiari malformation is due to the tonsils, medulla and spinal canal to the fourth ventricle hernia, the change strip of the fourth ventricle, the middle of the hole and the hole-side down, so that the cycle of CSF obstruction. The deformity can be alone, but with the majority associated with meningomyelocele, or depressed skull base and with the same disease.
3. The middle of the fourth ventricle and the side of the hole-hole rare congenital atresia, and the need to post-secondary intracranial infection caused by adhesion to identify with.
4. Considerable part of the congenital hydrocephalus can be due to infants and young children caused by posterior fossa tumor.
5. Some other congenital diseases, such as achondroplasia, the cranio-cervical junction malformation, spina bifida, stains hamartoma disease, Dandy-Walker syndrome, the absence of the corpus callosum, back to the cerebellum, and other deformities may be associated with brain plot.