Sunday, November 15, 2015

Angina Clinical manifestations

[Angina Clinical manifestations]
    Sternum angina usually sudden pain in the upper part of the press, tight feeling, a sense of suffocation, burning pain, heavy chest pressure sensation, chest pain gradually increased, a few minutes up to a climax, and radiation to the inside of the left shoulder, neck, jaw upper abdomen or shoulders. Accompanied by cold sweat, then gradually reduce the duration of a few minutes, by rest or nitroglycerin can be alleviated. Atypical in the lower sternum, abdominal or precordial tenderness. Only some parts of the pain radiation, such as throat, nausea, jaw pain, cervical tenderness. The elderly often atypical symptoms, can only feel chest tightness, shortness of breath, fatigue. Elderly people with diabetes even without chest pain, only a sense of tightness performance.
    1, exertional angina: exertional angina is characterized by the situation or other sports increase myocardial oxygen demand induced by transient episodes of chest pain, after rest or sublingual nitroglycerin, the pain can often quickly disappear. Exertional angina can be divided into three categories: ① onset exertional angina: exertional angina in the course of a month or less; ② stable exertional angina: stable exertional angina course of a month or more; ③ worsening exertional angina: same degree of fatigue-induced chest pain episodes, severity and duration of the sudden increase.
    2, spontaneous angina: spontaneous angina is characterized by chest pain and increased myocardial oxygen demand of no significant relationship. Compared with exertional angina, the pain generally lasts longer, more severe, and difficult for the nitroglycerin ease, no enzyme changes. ECG often appear certain transient ST-segment depression or T wave changes. Spontaneous angina may occur alone or in combination with exertional angina.
    Spontaneous angina patients due to the onset of pain frequency, duration and degree of pain may have different clinical manifestations. Sometimes, patients may have a longer duration of chest pain, similar to myocardial infarction, but no characteristic ECG changes and enzyme.
    Temporary sT segment elevation occurs in some patients with spontaneous angina attack, often called variant angina. But in the early myocardial infarction ECG recording to this graph, you can not use this name.
    Onset exertional angina, worsening angina pectoris and spontaneous angina often referred to as "unstable angina."

    [Assistant examination]
    1. ECG.
    2, cardiac X-ray examination.
    3, radionuclide.
    4, coronary angiography.
    5, intravascular ultrasound imaging examination.
    6, vascular endoscopy.