Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Acute laryngitis

Overview of acute laryngitis (acute laryngitis) is the acute laryngeal mucosa card he inflammation, often secondary to acute rhinitis, sinusitis, acute pharyngitis, for the entire upper respiratory tract infection, as well as can happen in isolation. Sometimes loudly shouting, excessive use of throat and cough, can cause acute laryngitis. Do occur in children, the condition is more serious. Pathology Disease (1) lower body resistance : common cold, lower body resistance can be induced acute laryngitis. Started most of virus infection, after bacteria break (with pneumococcus, influenzae, hemolytic streptococcus and other styles). (2) occupational factors : Actors, teachers, salespersons excessive use of voice; personnel mines and factories producing excessive inhalation of dust or harmful gases (such as chlorine, ammonia, bromine, iodine, nitric acid, sulfuric acid, pesticides, etc.). (3) acute infectious disease : the disease often and measles, pertussis, influenza, scarlet fever and other acute diseases merger. (4) injury : lump in the throat stimulation, inspection equipment damage (such as direct laryngoscopy, bronchoscopy examination bumps). Clinical symptoms generally little body, while the only hoarseness, voice confirms, a low, husky gradually increased beyond, even fully Aphonia, throat pain and general malaise, individual patients may have fever, chills and other symptoms. Other symptoms of cough, sputum and throat dry, itching, foreign body sensation. Serious swelling of the throat, may also arise inspiratory respiratory difficulties, but adults rarely occurs. Indirect jets mirror visible laryngeal mucosa diffuse congestion and swelling. Interest maitain light red or bright red, and sometimes we can see the vocal cords or hemorrhage with viscosity fluids vocal swelling, Free geopolitical changes pure, acoustic vocal when both sides can Bijin. Treatment (1) systemic therapy : more severe disease, with a clear systemic symptoms, and should appropriately rest with antibiotics, Sulfa drugs and hormone (prednisone 5 ~ 10 mg three times a day) treatment. (2) Patients should ban alcohol, eat a hot spicy food and less speech for the benefit of inflammation dissipated. (3) local treatment : FM physiotherapy, has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, a daily two-time, compound benzoin tincture vapor inhalation, daily three-four times. Aerosol Inhalation : Antibiotics combined with hormone liquid (or add some adrenaline, ephedrine 1%). (4) TCM : available stem Mahuangtang musk deer (Moschus ephedra stem 9 9 6 Almond Sterculia Scaphigera licorice 6 5 6 Campanulaceae). If sputum, fever, short breath and chest tightness, the patient's condition worsened, feeding Qingre Xuanfei, mainly Huatan Liyan. Ning-jets with lung soup (Campanulaceae imperatorin 9 9 9 Sangbaipi Pui Hung Line 9 6 9 Baicalin Gardenia 6 licorice 3).

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