Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Necrotizing gingival stomatitis

Overview This is a necrotizing inflammation, if occurred in the gingival edge as necrotizing gingivitis. If in the oral mucosa as necrotic stomatitis. Cause pathogenesis of the disease is borreliavicenti spirochetes and anaerobic bacillus caused spindle, Both microbial survival in peacetime gap teeth and sulcus and periodontal pocket, lower body resistance, poor oral hygiene at breeding pathogenic easy. Recently, there were also reports afflicted part Prevotella intermedia increased. Clinical manifestations (1) acute necrotizing gingival stomatitis : more common in children, early gingival edge and bite nipple irritation, After rapid necrosis, variable-margin, which was as sharp bite nipple-like defect, complex performance to grayish brown filthy pseudo (Map 5), gingival surface of the skin vulnerable to bleeding, pain Obviously, I have special halitosis, which is necrotizing gingivitis. even if control could not exposed alveolar bone, bone necrosis, teeth fall off. Some patients may also affect gingival lesions corresponding with the lips, buccal mucosa, mucosal necrosis, deep ulcers, overlying dark gray pseudo around mucosal congestion, edema, necrosis said this gingival stomatitis. Severe may have fever, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes and submandibular WBC mildly higher. Map 5 necrotizing gingival stomatitis (2) chronic necrotizing gingivitis : adults occur in individual teeth, gingival margin and mild nipple necrosis, bleeding, pain, bad breath and other symptoms are minor and easily ignored. If not treated in time can develop into periodontitis. Treatment 1. Acute can first gently remove the necrotic tissue and curettage initial bulk calculus. with a partial ~ 3% hydrogen peroxide solution to wash and rinse, Tu 2% crystal violet or 1% iodine tincture. 2. Systemic added vitamin C and B, can be severe oral metronidazole 0 .2,3 / d or intramuscular injection of penicillin.

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