Thursday, March 6, 2008

Of malignant renal arteries hardening how long-term treatment

And the use of intravenous (or) oral antihypertensive agents to control the blood pressure, the critical situation has eased, life of the patient to the blood pressure monitoring is important and must be closely tracking the patients, or even to the introduction of a mandatory treatment, because they do not submit to treatment or inadequate treatment will eventually lead to serious consequences. Dissatisfied with blood pressure control, even several years later despite recurrent malignant state. It was an analysis of malignant hypertension later died. Only 27% of the average diastolic blood pressure less than 14.7 kPa (110mmHg). Generally require long-term treatment triple antihypertensive drug that vasodilator + beta-blocker + diuretic. can be relatively satisfied with control of blood pressure.

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